
Four Reasons Why You Must Build An ADU Within Your Property In Los Angles Now

Know why you must have a granny flat constructed within your boundary walls without delay.

These days as you look around one will find that the concept of having a backyard granny flat has seen a revival in Los Angeles and in general, the state of California. The authorities are encouraging this construction by offering easy sanctions so homeowners are using this opportunity to have more living areas within the property. You can also plan to have your Los Angeles ADU but, it will require professional construction. There is a need to seek permits and erect the secondary residential unit using high-grade materials. We are ready to bear the construction headaches on your behalf and this way you can have an extra living unit within the property.

At Vision Home Remodeling we offer esteemed clients a range of home improvement services in Los Angeles city. We have done extensive work as ADU builders Los Angeles and presented clients with the best granny flats. You can have an ADU in the backyard or even the attached ADU in case of inadequate landscape within the property. Are you yet to decide whether to construct the granny flat or not? We would like to share with you four reasons why you must construct the ADU. Here are the details for readers.

It offers a home value enhancement

Once you have the ADU constructed, there is a home value enhancement to seek. The moment your ADU is erected, you now own more living areas and there is an automatic property value enhancement in the offering. At this moment nothing may happen, but in case you suddenly need to sell the property, one can now quote a significantly higher price from the buyer. The home value uptick will be significantly higher than the amount you would have invested in constructing this unit.

A rental income to derive

This is an instant income to derive, once you erect the ADU within the property. There is always the scope to lease this unit to tenants. There is significant demand for rental spaces in Los Angeles today and one can make use of this opportunity. A tenant will want some bit of luxury embedded in the ADU and also some privacy. A tenant will also want direct access to the street and this is a basic fire safety guideline. Once these basics are in place, there should be significant demand for your granny flat amongst prospective tenants.

The unit should help to accommodate a growing family

You might just require more living areas at a later stage. Your home was constructed a long time ago and at that moment, you perhaps did not take into consideration a growing family. At some point, you may be in a bit of a dilemma and there could hardly be any place to stretch out. These are scenarios, where you could be thinking of shifting to a bigger home. Some members of the family could be thinking of shifting elsewhere on rent. The presence of an ADU should solve these problems and you can stay together as a family.

A home office

There is no hard & fast rule that this place will only have to be used as a residence. There is also the scope to use this place for official work. The concept of a home office started during the pandemic and seems to continue. The main building is not a place where you can work because of the noise. The ADU is separate from the main building and just the ideal place to do work.


Here we have described four reasons why you must have an ADU constructed and perhaps there could be more factors. You can allocate this place to guests who intend to stay at your place overnight. There are plenty of benefits as you construct and we will erect it on your behalf. We will present you with a luxury granny flat within the property.

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